Tyne Flood transcript

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Haltwhistle Estimates

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now Wydon Eals




An Account and Estimate of the damage done by the late great and dreadful Flood in the River South Tyne in Northumberland in the Month of November last to John Lee of Widoneals in the parish of Haltwhistle in the said County Farmer To the Damage done to unthrashed Corn in ye Stack Yard & in ye Barn 54. 3. 6 To Damage done to Hay in Stack & in ye House 6.00. 0 To Sheep & Swine drowned in ye flood 3.00. 0 63. 3. 6 To be deducted for Damaged Corn Sold 6. 2. 9 Total of his Damage 57. 0. 9 Valued and Estimated by us His near Neighbours & who were Wit- Thos. Tinling -nesses to the William Robson facts above set John Leathert forth

this page transcribed by Barbara Martin

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne