Tyne Flood transcript

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Haltwhistle Estimates

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see golssary for Pokes


An Account and Estimate of the Damage done by the late great and Dreadfull Flood in the River South Tyne in Northumberland in November last to William Dodgson of Bellister Mill within the said Parish M?lleof Haltwhistle in ye said County Miller £ S D To ye value of Household furniture 5. 8. 0 To Differrent sorts of Grain his own & other people's 6. 3. 0 To Hay & Empty Pokes 1. 17. 0 Total of his Damage 13. 8. 0 valued and Estimated by us Edward Tinling His near Neighbours & who were wit- Thos. Hetherington -nesses to ye facts above set forth

this page transcribed by Barbara Martin

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne