Tyne Flood transcript

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Haltwhistle Estimates

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words inserted above line, barely legible



We whose names are hereunto Subscribed do hereby Certify that we very well know the within named George Jackson and believe him to be a very honest Industrious Man and that we very well know the Farm within mentioned and that he was farmer thereof when the within mentioned Flood happened and were {???} Witnesses to the over flowing Great part of the Land and Ground belonging to the Farm and intirely sweeping away the Farm House thereupon in which he lived together with the greatest part of the out housing belonging thereto and that the Lives of his Family with great difficulty were saved by the Courage and resolution of Mr. John Leathert his Neighbour and that his Household {??? Provisions ???} entire Stock of Cheese and utensils of Husbandry were all swept away and destroyed and that his Corn and Hay in his Stack Yard there was very much spoiled and that his Winter Corn then in the Ground was totally washed out and the very Soil upon which it was sown swept away and that we have also examined the Account and estimate within written and believe the same to be a true and moderat account and estimate of the damages the said George Jackson sustained by the Flood and means aforesaid amounting in the whole to the Sum of 122.10.00 one Hundred & twenty two £ and that we have reason to believe that the said George Jackson by such misfortune and loss aforesaid will be reduced to great difficulties and distress and that it would be a real charity done to give him relief on Account thereof his Witness our hands this Thirtieth day of December 1771 Thos. Tinling William Robson John Leathert

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne