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Transcript of page 14

Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Committee

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Line 13 inserted above line 14


arose and became due to the Sufferers in the said County of ----- Northumberland, or whether the same be the full proportion due to the said Sufferers from the said several general Subscriptions lodged in the said Banks for the Benefit of the Sufferers by the said late Flood It is therefore ordered that the Secretary to this Committee do apply to the Managers of the said Banks for an account of the several Sums of Money and by whom, lodged in the said Banks respectively for the Benefit of the Sufferers within the Countys of York, Durham, Northumberland and Newcastle and for a like account of the Sums lodged for the Benefit of the Sufferers within the Counties of Durham Northumberland and Newcastle and also for a like account of the Sums lodged for the Benefit of Sufferers within the Countys of Durham and Northumberland and likewise for a like account of the sums lodged for the Benefit of the Sufferers and also for an account of sums lodged for the Benefit of Sufferers in the County of Northumberland only within the Countys of Northumberland and Newcastle,^ so that this Committee may be enabled at their next Meeting to judge whether or no the above Sums so paid to the said Mr. Cuthbert be the full proportion of the Money raised by the said General Subscriptions due to the Sufferers in the said County of Northumberland And it is also ordered that the Secretary to this Committee do apply to the Managers of the said Banks for an accot of all such other Sums of Money and by whom lodged in the sd Banks respectively for the Benefit of Sufferers within any two or more of the sd Countys generally not comprehended in the accounts above required. ^ Ordered that Mr. Ralph Heron do pay to the first Class of Sufferers after the Rate of two Shillings and six pence in the pound over and above the Sums already by him paid to them and also pay to the second Class of Sufferers after the Rate of Six Shillings and Eight pence in the pound over and above the Sums already likewise paid to them and likewise pay to the third Class of Sufferers after the like Rate of Six Shillings and Eight pence in the pound for their respective Losses by the late Flood and that his payment of any of the said Sums to the Ministers of the respective parishes where these Sufferers inhabit or to any of the members of this Committee for the use of such Sufferers shall be equivalent to the payment of the same to themselves. Ordered that Mr. Ralph Heron do pay to William White of Hexham Gardner after the Rate of thirteen shillings and four pence in the pound for nineteen pounds and fifteen Shillings which is the Total of the Estimate by him delivered to this Committee of his Loss by the late Flood [Signed] Chris: Gregson Ordered that this Committee do meet again at this place on Monday the first S. Clarke Day of June next Wm Hunter Wm Fenwick Robt Lowes Heny Tulip Cha Stoddart Fra Tweddell Robt Vazie Wm Laidman Thos Rickman Ralph Heron John Errington

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne