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Minutes of the Seventh Meeting of the Committee

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At the seventh Meeting of the committee held 26th 23d Day of March 1772 at the Grand Jury Room in Hexham pursuant to adjournment present William Fenwick The Revd Mr. Clarke John Errington The Revd Mr. Laidman Francis Tweddell The Revd Mr. Stoddart Henry Tulip The Revd Mr. Gregson Robert Lowes The Revd Mr. Rickman Robert Vazie The Revd Mr. Busby William Hunter Ralph Heron Ordered that Mr. William Cuthbert do pay the several Sums by him received from the two Banks in Newcastle amounting together to the Sum of six hundred and nine pounds, eleven shillings and one penny to Mr. Ralph Heron or order for the use of this charity - Susannah Simpson of Masters Close in the parish of Ovingham Widow --- appearing to be an Object of this Charity inasmuch as her Husband was drowned by the late Flood in attempting to save the Lives of others and She being left with two young Children It is therefore ordered that Mr. Ralph Heron do pay the Sum of ten pounds to the Revd Mr. Gregson for the use of the Children of the said Susannah Simpson by her said late Husband to be applied in such Manner as Mr. Simpson of Bradley and Mrs. Jurin of the Hermitage shall direct and it is also ordered that Mr. Ralph Heron do pay Two Guineas to Dorothy Hepple of Corbridge Widow She also appearing to be an object of this Charity on account of her Daughter being drowned by the late Flood and it is further ordered that Mr. Heron do pay five pounds to James Steward of Haydon Bridge Maltster he being likewise deemed a proper object of this Charity on account of his being deprived by the late Flood of getting his Bread and supporting himself in the Business of a Maltster - It having been ordered at the last Meeting of this committee held on the 16th March inst that the two Banks in Newcastle shoud pay to William Cuthbert of Newcastle Gentleman all such Sums of Money as were resting in their Hands for the Sufferers in the County of Northumberland by the late Flood and the said William Cuthbert having by his Letter dated 20th March inst directed to Mr. Ralph Heron acknowledged that in pursuance of the said order he had that Day received of Messrs. Bell, Cookson & Co the Sum of 427£. 19s. 8d and of Messrs. Surtees and Burdon the Sum of 181£. 11s. 5d and it not having in any manner been signified or appearing to this Committee how and by what Subscription or Subscriptions the said two several Sums

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne