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Transcript of page 11

Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Committee

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committees for the respective Countys ? and we do request the several Committees Committees for the Counties of York, Durham and Newcastle to take the Matter under their Consideration and communicate to us their Resolutions thereon before our next Meeting which will be on the 16th inst Ordered that the committee meet again at this place on Monday the 16th Day of March instant [Signed] Wm Fenwick L Allgood John Errington Ra: Smith Heny Tulip Willm: Bainbridge Fra Tweddell Simon Mewburn Robt Lowes Nics Lee Ralph Heron Robt Vazie Sloughs Clarke Wm Laidman Cha: Stoddart Jos: Railton Chris: Gregson Thos Rickman Thomas Rotheram B Leeke Geo Busby

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne