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Minutes of the Fifth Meeting of the Committee

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At the fifth Meeting of the Committee held 2d Day of March 1772 at the Grand Jury Room in Hexham pursuant to adjournment present William Fenwick Ralph Heron Sir Lanct Allgood Robert Vazie John Errington The Revd Mr. Clarke William Ralph Smith The Revd Mr. Laidman Henry Tulip --- The Revd Mr. Stoddart William Bainbridge The Revd Mr. Railton Francis Tweddell The Revd Mr. Gregson Simon Mewburn The Revd Mr. Rickman Robert Lowes The Revd Mr. Rotheram Nicholas Lee The Revd Mr. Leeke The Revd Mr. Busby A Letter having been received by the Secretary of this Committee from each of the Banks at in Newcastle, respectively inclosing a paper purporting to be a Copy of the Resolutions of the Subscribers to the indigent Sufferers in the Town of Newcastle by the late Flood made at a Meeting held in the said Town on the 19th Day of Febry last whereby it appears it was then resolved "That the Money subscribed for the" "Sufferers by the Flood in the three Counties of Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne and" "Northumberland be divided into three equal parts one for each of the above mentioned" "Countys and that the Sums subscribed for the Relief of the Sufferers in General be" "divided into four equal parts, one for York, one for Durham, one for Newcastle and" "one for Northumberland. And that a Copy of (that) Resolution be (that) Day sent to" "each of the Banks in Newcastle for their Direction in distributing the Money in" "their Hands belonging to the charity and that a copy of the same Resolution be" "transmitted by them to the respective Secretarys to the Committees for the Countys" "of Durham, Northumberland and York" --- WE are of opinion that the persons who made such Resolutions had not a competent power nor sufficient Information to ascertain or fix the proportions to be paid to the respective Countys aforesaid of the Sums mentioned in their said Resolutions for that the Amount of the Losses in each of the said Countys are not equal, and as there is not a Committee appointed for the Distribution of the Subscriptions to the Sufferers in the Counties in general the several Committees for the respective Counties ought by a certain Number to be sent from each to assemble together and compare the respective Estimates of the several Sufferers for each respective County so that an equal Distribution may be made of the Money so subscribed, which we apprehend to be the Intention of the several Subscribers and that this Committee cannot in anywise be bound by the said Resolutions made on the said 19th of Febry and it is resolved accordingly --- And it is ordered that Copys of this Resolution shall be immediately sent to each of the Banks in Newcastle and to each of the Secretaries of the

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne