Tyne Flood transcript

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Probably 'indigent', but ?etter missing from image

Newcastle 5th March 1772 At a Meeting of the Subscribers to those Indigen? Sufferers by the late Flood Resolved That the Secretary be directed to acknowledge the Receipt of the Resolution made by the Committee for the County of Northumberland at the Grand Jury Room in Hexham on the 2nd Day of March Instant and to acquaint them that the Subscribers do abide by their Resolution of the 19th February last. Resolved That a Day to be appointed for a Meeting of the Subscribers to take into Consideration the Distribution of the Money appropriated by the Resolution of the 19th February last to the Northumberland Committee in case the said Committee do not at the next Meeting think proper to accept thereof.

this page transcribed by Jan Widmer

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne