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Transcript of page 5

Minutes of General Meeting of Gentlemen and Clergy of the County

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Page 3 of 3

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


also spelt Railton on other pages
also spelt Mewburn
also spelt Clarke

also spelt Leeke

Sir Lancelot Allgood


Note; as is frequently the case in the
eighteenth century, the spellings of
names is variable, with signatures
differing from the names on the committee list
in a number of cases



The Revd Mr. Stoddart Mr. Lowes. Ridley hall Mr. Wm Hunter }[?] The Revd Mr. Laidman Mr. Errington - Walwick Grainge Mr. Lee } The Revd Mr. Scott The Revd Mr. Railston Mr. Vazie } Mr. Tweddell - Unthank Mr. Meaburn - Acomb Mr. Thos Kirsopp}Hexham Mr. Tweddell - Threepwood The Revd Mr. Clark) Mr. Heron } The Revd Mr. Rotheram The Rev Mr. Busby }Hexham Mr. Sparke } The Revd Mr. Leak Mr. Robt Lowes ) Mr. Shaftoe }


[?] Blackett                     Wm Laidman
                                   Wm Hunter
L Allgood                     Robt Vazie
G [?] Aynsley                      Nics Lee
Wm Fenwick                         Fra Tweddell
Wm Carr                            Cha: Stoddart
Robt Lowes
Ra: Sparke
B W Wastell
John Blackett
S. Clarke
Henry Tulip
Geo Busby
B. Leeke
Ralph Heron

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne