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1772 ?? By paymt of 10s in the pound, pursuant to the ) £ s d order of the committee made on the 5th of Febry, to ) the first class of sufferers, the Total of whose ) 434 4 ¾ Estimates together amount to £868 8s 1½ ) By payment of 14s 6d in the pound to John ) Johnson of the parish of Ovingham for £118 1s 4d ) which is the Total of his Estimate – deducting the ) 25 17 11 charity which he has received from Lady Broughton ) and others amounting to £59 14s 1d, he being ) ordered by the committee to be removed from the second ) to the first class ) 460 1 11¾ By paymt of 6s 8d in the pound to the second ) class of sufferers the Total of whose Estimates ) 152 3 7 amount to £456 10s 9½ ) Cash paid by Lady Broughton et al to the ) sufferers in Ovingham par, besides what they ) paid to John Johnson, and in the accot Mattw ) 6 12 6 Johnson is supposed to have received on £1 7s. 6 ) which is the Total of his Loss, tho' he in fact ) received £4. 4s. ) 145 11 1 605 13 ¾
this page transcribed by Jan Widmer
Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne