Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 429

Summaries for Bywell St Andrew and St Peter

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Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


Gabriel Heslop of Bywell .. 17 8 Edd Thomas Begg of Bywell 1. 9 6 Edd Luke Maughan of Bywell 2. 4 .. Edd Jane Thompson of Bywell .. 12 .. Edd John Richardson of Bywell .. 15 .. Edd William Leighton of Bywell 2. 15 9 Edd Fenwick Hall Junr of Bywell 1 .. 9 Edd Mary Lawson of Bywell Widow .. 16 11 Edd Henry Ridley of Bywell Schoolmaster 3 14 6 Edd

this page transcribed by Chris Walton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne