Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 393

Estimate of loss for George Green of Styford

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Page 2 of 3

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


See glossary for fother
Bowl means Boll, see Glossary

£5 [?] 10s substituted in a different hand for original total crossed out.  
14 : 00 substituted for crossed out figure.
1s.8p added in a different hand. [?] is a symbol, on this line perhaps meaning "per foot

Large cross on side of deletion.

See glossary for Thrave

An Estimate of the Damage that happened to Geo Green Farmer of Styford by the Flood that happened on the 16th of Novr 1771 Of his Corn, hay, and Husbandry &c. ------------------- £ : s : d To 6 fother of Hay 2 Taken away & 4 sanded & spoild --- 7 : 04 : 00 To 90 Bowls of Barley which was wreckt Do. ----------- 10 : 02 : 00 To 26 Bowls of Rye Do. ------------------------------- 7 : 16 : 00 To 55 Bowls of Oats Do. {Illegible} at 2 p --------- 8 : 05 : 00 To 4 Bowls of Gray peas Do. At 3/6 p ---------------- 1 : 04 : 00 To 10½ Feet of Round Timber Taken away at 1s8d [?] ---- 0 : 17 : 06 To 9 Small pigs Drownd -------------------------------- 0 : 18 : 00 To 31 Hives of Bees Drown'd and Taken Away ------------ ? : 16 : 00 To the sowing of 4 Bowls of wheat which is taken away } and sanded & Labour of working the same ------------ } 03 : 08 : 00 To the sowing of 5 Bowls of Rye Do. ----------------- 04 : 00 : 00 To 10 Men 6 Days Each working at the wett corn at 1s 03: 00: 00 X To household Furniture which was Broken -------------- 00 : 06 : 00 To 6 fother of Coals taken away ---------------------- 00 : 18 : 00 To 20 Thrave of straw wreckt ---------------------- 00 : 13: 04 To Husband Gear Taken away ------------------------ 00 : 12 : 00 £50 : 19 : 10 £39 : 13 : 06 Ten days over & taken from the above 3 : 00 : 00 36 : 13 : 06 {NB?} If the Sowing is to be Allow to the Whole Sufferers in the Neighbourhood of {Tineside?} the above that is Strook out is to be considered ----

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne