Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 375

Estimate of loss for Ann Bell of Lamley

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 [and hay] inserted above line

See glossary for threave
Possibly 160?
See glossary for fathom

An Account and Estimate of the damage done by the late great and dreadful Flood in the River South Tyne in Northumberland to Ann Bell Widow & Farmer at Harper Town in the Parish of Lambly in the said County who was poor before this misfortune and burthened with a numerous and small Family. To the damage done to her by the loss of her Corn and } Straw thereof [and hay] Swept away by the said Flood by a} moderate valuation and computation thereof besides } the great danger of lossing all her Stock of Cattle by } the want of Fodder which is very scarce in the place } where she lives __ ___ ___ _ } 18 : 10 : 00 £ : s : d 20 Threave of Barley 3 : 00 : 00 60 Do of Oates 7 : 10 : 00 A Rick of Hay 8 Fathoms 8 : 00 : 00 18 : 10 : 00

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne