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Transcript of page 372

Claim of Henry Nairn, Dyer from Rothbury

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Page 5 of 6

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


See Notes in the Introduction, for explanations of some of the technical terms

Probably Gallons, Quarts and Pints

The measurement symbol does not look like a "p"

Tear in paper, but figures add up correctly.

Mr. Henry Nairn Kendall 13th Oct. 1771 Bot. of Scarisbrick Jackson & Co. Gal Q Pi 3 3 14 Redwood @ 34/ . . . 6 : 11 : 9 8 2 14 Cutt {?} @12/ . . . 5 : 3 : 6 0 2 0 (Baxelle) @ 50/. . . 1 : 5 : 0 0 1 14 Umbro Madr @88/ . . 1 : 13 : 0 . . 2?p French Cardigneaux @ 22d .. 3 : 8 . . 1?p Flagg Annatto . . . 4 : 0 . . 10?p French Indies . @ 8/6. 4 : 5 : 0 . . 10?p Car. . .@?o @6/6 3 : 5 : 0 an Oyl. Pipe 8/6. a Treacle Hogsh. @ 2/ 10 : 6 A small Cash & a Bag . . . . 2 : 1 23 : 3 : 6 £23 : 3 : 6 6 : 11 : 9 Total of Loss 16 : 11 : 09 Sir at the request of Mr William Angus, I have sent you a second Bill of Parcles. & according to the best of my Knowledge all the small Parcles, is inclosd in the large Oyl.Pipe I am for Co & Self Yr Mo Obdt Servt D. Jackson Borough of Kirkby Kendall } In the County of Westmorland }February 17th 1772. This is to Certify that David Jackson Dry Salter this Day made Oath before me Thomas Scarisbrick Esq. one of the Justices of the said Borough that according the best of his knowledge and belief the above is a just account T. Scarisbrick

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders and edited by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne