Tyne Flood transcript

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Certificate of loss for George Richardson

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Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


? Could be 'their'

See Glossary for boll and Winchester measures

See glossary for Thrave
See glossary for fother

 "or" inserted

An Estimate and valuation of the damage done by the dreadful flood in the Rivers of South and North Tyne in Northumberland which happened in the night between Saturday the Sixteenth and Sunday the Seventeenth days of November 1771. to George Richardson of --- Chollerford Farm near Humshaugh Mill in the parish of Simonburn in the said County who and his Wife and ?three Infant Children saved their lives by getting into the loft of his dwellinghouse To twenty winchester Bolls of Gray Peas £ s d 10 Bolls of Wheat 6 Bushels of wheat and Rye 30 Thrave of Oats and the Straw thereof about Seven fothers of Hay entirely lost being fit for nothing but the Dung hole and the rest of his Hay Consisting of about 12 fother so much Damaged that the cattle or Horses will scarce Eat it and it is to be feared may hurt those that doe eat it and the whole of the oats and corn so much damaged as to be good for little and fit for no use or any- thing but swine & not quite fit for them. The Damage by all which and the Injury done to his Household Goods and the loss in the Milkhouse upon a Moderate £ : s : d. valuation and Estimates will amount to 19 : 18 : 6 The above written is the amount and Estimate confirmed to by our Certificate on the other side amounting to Nineteen Pounds Eighteen Shillings and six pence which we have readily signed as we were acquainted with and well know the damage the above named George Richardson sustained by the flood above As witness our hands his (illegible) White John X Rutherford James Young mark Roger Smith Joseph Smith

this page transcribed by Bill Saunders

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne