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Damages claims from St Johns

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Scotswood Decr. 25th. 1771 These are to certify whom it may concern that after the necessary enquiry made into the loss of Joseph Thompson of Scotswood boat in the Hamlet of Benwell we find the following particulars to be undoubtedly true that by the rapidity of the flood on the 17th. Novr. last past the said Joseph Thompson had part of his Cellars driven down & thereby lost six half Barrels of Ale together with a Bed five Pillows two Bolsters all of good feathers, as also two other Beds of inferior value, with the furniture belonging to said Beds, likewise all the wearing apparel of himself, Wife & five Children, together with a considerable quantity of provisions, & household furniture the particulars of which would be too tedious here to enumerate: That upon the most moderate Computation we verily believe the Loss sustain'd by the said Joseph Thompson by the said dreadful Flood to a- mount to the Sum of twelve pounds & upwards As witness our hands Jno Brunton Curate { Jas Duncan agent of St John's in { Robt Shaftoe Esqr Newcastle upon Tyne Wm Collinson Robt Cole Wm Pattison Addn Langhorn }Churchwardens Thomas Place }

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne