Tyne Flood transcript

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Newburn Monday Morn. Sirs, I cannot attend my Duty at Hexham to day without running the risque of being starved ---I have taken therefore the Liberty to send you an Acco.of Losses sustain'd in Newburn,wch some through Ignorance & others by Sickness omitted to give in before, they are among the poorest of our poor, & deserve a place in the first Class. You have also the Acco. of one Bates who left Newburn Parish the day after the Flood, & therefore as none of our People could have an Opportunity of knowing what his Losses, I could not get it sign'd -- they all know he lost some good Furniture & that he is poor how poor I do not pretend Myself to say as he is quite a stranger to me. I understand he had before troubled you with a Letter & Account I am Sir I omitted to mention Your most humble Servt. another Acco. for Loss by Hedges Thos. Rickman Ke{?} you will do by it as with the rest, the man is not rich, nor very poor.

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne