Tyne Flood transcript

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Written sideways on 

brought over -------- £2..12.. 5½ Thomas Reed, Pitman --- 1 ? Silver Shirt Buttons lost ---------------- 4.. 6 1½lb lump Sugar ------------------------------ 1 --- 2.Oz. Tea ------------------------------------ 1 --- 1 Batemt Meal -------------------------------- 9½ 2 Rye Loaves --------------------------------- 1.. 6 8.. 9½ £3.. 1.. 3 Newburn 14th. March 1772. These are to certify , that according the best Information & Examination we could obtain, the above from the abovenamed Sufferers (& others) the above Account of their Losses & Damages is true & just ---- Thos. Rickman (Vicar) Bartholomew Wilson John Hopper Newburn 2d. Class

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne