Tyne Flood transcript

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{Acc}ount & Valuation of Loss sustain'd by Mary {Ur}win Widow of Newburn by the great Flood Nov. 17th. 1771-- Oatmeal 1½. Batemt -------- at 9d ----------- £0.. 1.. 1½ Meal ----2. Stone -----------1/6 --------------- 3.. -- Flour --1 Stone -------------------------------- 2.. 4 Mutton -- 1 Quarter --------cost --------------- 2.. 2 Yarn --- 3 Hanks ------------ at 6d ------------- 1.. 6 Woollen Yarn -------------------------------- 3.. -- £0..13.. 1½ We whose Names are hereunto subscribed (from the best Information we could obtain) do believe the above Account to be true & just, & that the Sufferer is an Object deserving Compassion-------- Jacob Urwin George Penman The Persons who have certified to the above Account are People of Reputation within this Parish Tho. Rickman Vicar of Newburn

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne