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Damages claims from Newburn parish

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Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


See glossary for Thrave

See glossary for Batement


Bowl means Boll: see Glossary

See glossary for load

List of Sufferers with an Account and Valuation of Losses Damages sustain'd by the Inundation the 16th & 17 November last within the Township of Newburn, taken the 31st day of December 1771 by Thomas Rickman, William Longridge & Bartholemew Wilson. P. George Morrow of Newburn, Pedlar To Damage on 20 Yds of Linnen ----- 7 --- Do. -- on 44Yds. Woollen Cloth} of difft. Colours at 9d ------}1..13 Do. -- on 224Yds Linnen at 1d - 18.. 8 To 10 Thraves Straw --------------- 10.... 3.. 8.. 8 P. John Candlish, Schoolmaster --- To 2 Batemts. Of Oatmeal at 9 ---- 1.. 6 Bread ------------------------- 2.. 4 Earthen Dishes at 1/6} 6 ---- Plates ---- at 5} ------ 8.. 6 Books as P Catalogue------- abo 3-------- 3..12.... P. John Bainbridge --- S d To 2 Earthen Dishes at 1.. 2} 2 Do. -------- at 10/}-------- 4 --- Childrens Cloathes --------------- 5 --- Chest ---------------------------- 1.. 6 Bread ------------------------- 1.. 6 12.... P. Mary Bevens Widow. To 1 Bowl Wheat Meal - cost -------- 12---- 23 Loaves brown Bread at 1s ---- 1.. 3 1..15 --- Richard Milford To 4 Loads of Potatoes at 5s ----- 1........ an old Cart value about -------- 5---- 1.. 5 --- P. Isabel Brydon Widow To white Bread ------------------- 2 --- 11 Loaves brown Bread at 1/- --- 11 --- 4 lb. Tobacco at 1..2 --------- 4.. 8 6 Stone Pot Barley at 1..6 ---- 9 ½ Bush Salt ------------------- 2.. 2 4 Batemt of Oatmeal at 9d ----- 3 1..11..10 Total 12.. 4.. 6

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne