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Damages claims from Newburn parish

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See glossary for Batement


List of Sufferers (with an Account & Valuation of Losses & Damages sustain'd) by the Inundation of 16 & 17th. November,in Scotswood & Lemington within the Parish of Newburn, taken ths. 30th. Day of December 1771 by Thomas Rickman, Joseph Woodhouse, & William Westmoreland ----------------- P. William Robinson of Scotswood To a Bed------------------------- 9 2½ Stones Flour at 2/- ------- 5 -- 2 Stones Meal at 1/5 --------- 2..10 2 Batements of Oatmeal at 9/ - 1.. 6 2 lb. Butter ----at 9/-------- 1.. 6 Salt 4d -- Barley 5d/ -------- 9 Childrens Shoes & other Apparel 8. 1 . 8 . 7 P. John Huggup of Scotswood To 3 Bed Mats -------------------- 6 --- S S d 2 Kits 1/- one Tub 1..3 ------- 2.. 3 Damage to a Bedstead ---------- 1. 6 2 Stones Meal at 1/5 --------- 2..10 Bread 6d. Oatml.2 Batemt.1..6 - 2 --- Barley ----------------------- - 4 Bed Tick --------------------- 3 --- Earthen Ware ----------------- 3.. 6 1 . 1 . 5 P. Jonathan Hall of Scotswood --------- To 1 Stone Flour ---------------- 2 --- 2 Batemts of Oatmeal at 9/ --- 1.. 6 Treacle 8d, Salt 4d ---------- 1 --- a Tin Cupboard --------------- 2 --- Earthen Ware ----------------- 1.. 6 1 lb. Sugar ------------------ 7 8 . 7 carried over £ 2 .18 . 7

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne