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Damages claims from St John Lee

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Parish of Saint
Said. See glossary for Esh


This is to Sartifie that John Dagleas in Acomb in the Paris of Sent John Lee has suffrd at Hexham Bridge End by the flood all the Esh Wood that the Sad John Dagleas had ther at Modest Compalashon of Sexe pounds Five Shilling Wittnes our handes March 11th 1772 Thos Hedley Willm Stokoe B Leeke I do hereby certify that I do well know the above named John Daglease and that he has a small family and believe him not able to Bear the loss abovementioned and that he is an object of charity. Dated 16th March 1772 B Leeke

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne