Tyne Flood transcript

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Damages claims from St John Lee

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See glossary for Quey

See glossary for boll

See glossary for boll


An Estimate of the Loss sustained by Robert Bell of Broomhaugh by the late great Flood Namely 21 Sheep £14 . . 2 Swine 16 0 One year old Quey 1 5 0 1 Pet Sheep 16 0 2 wheat stacks,24 Bolls ] At £1 5s p ] 30 0 0 2 stacks of Barley 10 10 0 2 Do. Of Oats 9 0 0 2 Hodden of Hay 2 0 0 NB : The sowing of Bolls of Wheat and Rye intirely lost £70 7 0 is not included in this Acct We whose names are hereunto subcribed do believe the above estimation to be impar tial regular and just. Thos Younger William Stokoe X his mark Robert Bell B Leeke

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne