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Damages claims from St John Lee

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See Glossary for Weather



Sheep Drown'd at Anick grainge 17 Novr 1771 10 Weathers cost 21/- per Wr. 10 0 0 82 Do...... cost 13/9d 56 7 6 138 Do.......at 12:0 82 16 0 230 £149 13 6 £ s d 6 16 6 Rec'd cash for the Mutton 14 11 7½ 4 5 1½ Do for Tallow £135 1 10½ 3 10 00 Do Skins 4 11 7½ 6 Carts of Hay carried away 7 10 0 142 11 10½ Witness to the Buying and Price of the 10 Weathr first above mentioned... Jno. Donkin I have examined John Baty Herd to Mr Wm Harbottle who affirms this to be a true account of his Loss. B Leeke Curate of St Johnlee

this page transcribed by Ian Brown and edited by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne