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Damages claims from St John Lee

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Corn spoiled in the thorns at the Stack yard belonging to John Kirsop by the Flood on the 17th day of Novr. 1771 [ 20 Threaves of Mashling and Bushell in Threave ] [ is 10 Bolls at 22/- per Boll ] [120 Threaves of Barley at 3 pecks in Threave ] 33 15 0 [Is 45 Bolls at 15/- per Boll ] [120 Threaves of Oates at Bushel in Threave ] [Is 60 Bolls at 10/- per Boll ] 30 0 0 [70 Threaves of Oates carried clean away at ] [Bushell in Threaves is 35 Bolls at 10/- per Boll ] 17 10 0 17 carts of Hay Sanded and Spoiled at 15 0s p ton 15 0 0 2 Bolls of Barley in the Barn at 15s per Boll 1 10 0 10 Loads of Potatoes at 5s pe Load 2 10 0 [ 260 Threaves of Hardcorn Straw Barley Straw ] [ and Boll straw at 6d per Threave ] 6 10 0 70 Threave of Boll Straw carried away at 12d 3 10 0 13 Hogg Sheep at 4s per Hogg 2 12 0 A Long Wain a Long cart slings and Axel tree 1 15 0 The spoiled corn supposed to be worth ] half value is ] 39 5 0 Memdm. The above Damage is exclusive ] of the Seed Sown and the Damages done ] to the Farm ] Wm Harbottle Regd. Gibson B Leeke Curate of St Johnlee

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne