Tyne Flood transcript

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Warden estimates

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 'and just' inserted above the line


Was over 2.18. 1 Six Caps & 3 ft of Sleeves 0. 3. 0 Damage done to what remain'd 0. 5. 0 £3. 6. 1 The above Acct is true and just to the best of our Knowledge and Belief. As Witness our Hands of 2 Jan 1772 Nicholas Leadbitter William Newbigin I believe the above Estimation of the loss sus- tain'd by John Lask from the late great Flood to be reasonable & Just Witness my hand Wm Laidman Vicar of Warden

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne