Tyne Flood transcript

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Haydon Estimates

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see glossary for deal

A true estimet of the Damage John Wear of Haydon Bridge Blacksmith Sustained By the late great flood 16th November 1771 £. s. d One Stone of Shuger 0:5:10 Two Larg washing Tubs with Iron hoops 0:4:0 To oat miels Lost 0:2:9 To Swine Same 7 pound at 4d 0:2:4 To Damage don to the Bellows 0:1:0 To one old Bedsteed 0:2:0 T 3 deals 0:2:3 1:0:2

this page transcribed by Joan Harvey

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne