Tyne Flood transcript

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Letters from Bankers to Committee re Subscriptions Received

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Lancelot Heron

Sir, Newcastle 2. Jan. 1772 We are favord with yours of the 28 inst & desire You will inform the Committee at Hexham, that We have not recieved any Contribution whatsoever for the Relief of the Sufferers by the late Flood within the County of Northumberland only. All that We have recieved is on Acct of the Subscription which was set on foot in this place. If any sum should be paid to us hereafter, to be disposed of by Your Committee We shall not fail to acquaint You, but shou'd apprehend Mr. Davidson will recieve every Benefaction for this purpose, according to the Tenor of your Advertisement. We are Sir, Your most hble Serv Bell Cookson Carr Widdrington & Saint Mr Lanct Heron Hexham

this page transcribed by Barbara Martin

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne