Tyne Flood transcript

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Letter from Exchange Bank detailing subscriptions received

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Rowland Burdon

Mr R Heron Ncastle Decem 31. 1771 Sir We are favoured with yours of the 29th. Inst. desiring an Account of the money deposited in our hands for the relief of the Sufferers by the late flood. received of Mr. Ra: Heron £318.11. out of which was allowed the Committees bill on us for £200.-so that the sum remaining in our hands will be £118..11s I am     For father & Rowd. Burdon Esq Yr. mo. Obed. Sevt. Edward Surtees P.S. Since the above have been received of Hexham Post £20..4.6 so that the balance in our hands will now be £138.15.6

This page transcribed by Sandra Lane

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne