Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 80

List of subscriptions collected in Northumberland

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Page 9 of 9

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


Chapelry misspelt, but see line 5 below.

May be Mr Ruddock

? May be an abbreviated "& Burdon"

i.e. see above

Is the mark a line or a blot?

Collected in the Parish of Corbridge £ S D & Chaplery of Halton, and Paid in -------------------- 15 13 0 by Edward Bell Captn Smith by ? Ruddock ------------------------- 5 - - Collected in the Chapelry of Haydon ------------------- 9 1 3 Sir Edward Blackett Bart ------------------------- 52 10 - Anons by the Revd Mr Clarke -------------- - 10 6 Henry Errington Esq ---------------------------- 50 - - Collected in Hexhamshire and paid in by the Revd Mr Brown ---------------------------- 13 4 - Ralph Riddell ----------------------------------------- 5 5 0 151 3 9 Collected in the Parish of Newburn and paid in by Mr. Rickman -------------------------------- 4 1 - James Gibson Esq ------------------------------- 6 6 Collected in the Parish of Saint John Lee & paid in by the Revd Mr Leeke ------------------------- 6 - 20 Janry 1772. remitted to Messrs Surtees ? 167 10 9 Remitted before ------------------------------ 583 1 6 750 12 3 distributed at Bywell - v ante 60 18 - 811 10 3 ------

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne