Tyne Flood transcript

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Transcript of page 77

List of subscriptions collected in Northumberland

See the scan of this page

Page 6 of 9

Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.


William Armstrong

Cuthbert Teasdale

Robert Salmon

Lancelot(?) Liddell Junior
Thomas Lee
William Robson
John Johnson

William Bell

123 17 - Wm Armstrong Senr --------------------- .. 10 6 Shaftoe Downes --------------------------------- 1 1 - Cutht Teasdale --------------------------- - 10 6 Mrs. Armstrong --------------------------------- 3 3 - Mrs. Lazonby ----------------------------------- 1 1 - Ralph Ridley ----------------------------------- 3 3 - Mr Loraine ------------------------------------- 1 1 0 Robt Salmon ------------------------------- 1 1 0 John Errington Beaufront 50: 0: 0 Lanc? Liddell Junr ------------------- 10 6 Thos Lee ----------------------------------- 10 6 Wm Robson -------------------------------- 10 6 Jno Johnson ---------------------------- 1 1 - Henry White ------------------------------------ 0. 10. 6 Collected on the 4th Janry 1772 of the Inhabitants of Hexham --------------------- 12. 12 -

word and figures illegible and deleted

Wm Bell - Highshield                                    1   -  -
                                                      202   3  0

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne