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Transcript of page 74

List of subscriptions collected in Northumberland

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375 15 6 £ S D Anonym by Mr Selby of Bywell ------ 1 1 - Anon --- by Isabel Bennet -------------- 10 6 Simon Mowburn -------------------------- 2 2 379 9 0 Of this Sum £60. 18s. was distributed at } 60 18 0 Bywell ----------------------------------------- ___________ real Cash received --- 318 11 0 £ s & 24 Decr 1771 remitted to Mr. Fenwick 52. 10 Messrs Surtees & Burdon Mr Riddell part 5. 5 Bankers - Newcastle Mrs Jurin part 1. 11.6 Anon ------- 1. 1 Anon ----- 10.6 £60. 18 .

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne