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List of subscriptions collected at Whitley (in Hexhamshire)

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Note: where the original text is an abbreviation, then if the word is underlined like this: abbr, then hovering your cursor over the word will show its expansion.




Hally Well? Spillal Shool? 


Anderson or Andorson?

(Persons) (Places) (Persons) (Places) Thomas Charlton.Hackford Miln... 1 6 Joseph Forster.Barker House. .. .. 6 Thomas Hunter.Hackford. --- .. .. 6 John Ord. Holahouse. [?] .. 2 6 ? ?Askew. High ?Row Green. .. .. 6 Joseph Bell.Hamburn Hall. .. .. 6 ? Harrison.Loaning House. .. 1 .. Robert Errington.High Ardley... 1 .. John Taylor.Smelting Syke. .. .. 6 Robert Rowland.Walley Strorn .. 1 .. Robert Nattrass.Grovey Field. .. .. 6 John Bullman. High Estralls .. 2 .. William Currey. Do. .. .. 6 Robert Bell. Low Estralls .. 1 .. Robert Whaley.Holly Well. .. .. 6 George Foster.Spittal Shoal .. .. 6 William Whaley.Ridlam Hope. .. .. 6 Thomas Wood. Winterhouse. .. 1 .. Henry Stobbs.Westfield Nook. .. .. 6 William Heron.Heigh. .. 1 .. Thomas Bowman.Hatherry Burns .. .. 6 Ann Haslop. Cockershael. .. 1 .. John Currey. Garesheel. .. 1 .. John Nevin.High house .. 1 .. Thomas Green. Turfhouse. .. .. 6 Robert Forrest.Gingleshaugh. .. 1 .. George Carr. Peacock House. .. 1 .. John Ridley. Low Row Green. .. .. 6 William Martin. Hackford. .. 1 .. William Henderson West Mire .. 1 .. Meadows CuthbertGlenwright.WhitleyMiln.. 1 .. William Noble. Do. .. 1 .. Mr. John Garrow. Do. .. 1 .. Peter Dixon. Woodside. .. .. 6 Isaac Burnhope. Do. .. 1 .. Thomas Hogarth.Mire Meadows. .. 1 .. Robert Stoker.Mire Meadows. .. .. 6 Joseph Dixon.Low Staples. .. 1 .. NicholasStobbs.Hatherry Haugh... .. 6 Thomas Bowman.Staele? .. .. 6 John Forster. High Dalton. .. .. 6 James Stan? Do. .. 2 .. Michael Winter.Holehouse. .. .. 6 Thomas White. Do. .. 1 .. Christopher Winter.Low Dalton... .. 6 George White. Do. .. .. 6 William Winter.Low Holmes. .. .. 6 Thomas Purvis. Do. .. 1 .. John Chatt. Mosshouse. --- .. .. 6 Edward Dixon.Mollersteads. .. 1 .. John Glenwright.Upper Staples... 1 .. Henry Dixon. Do. .. 1 .. George Dixon. Do. ---- .. 1 .. Joseph Rowland.Westburnhope. .. 1 .. Richard Anderson.High Dalton. .. 1 .. John Carr. Dotland. .. 1 .. Edward Brown. Do. ---- .. .. 6 Thomas Bell.High Row Green. .. 1 .. Thomas Clemison.Do. .. .. 6 Collected Janry 13th.1772 1 9 - Edward Jinlin.Barkerhouse .. .. 6 1 1 6 1 1 6 1 0 .. 9 2 6 13 1 6

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne