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Transcript of page 55

List of subscriptions from Berwick

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The Subscription of the Corporation of Berwick.. 60:0:0 Do. Of the Inhabitants of Berwick ------------ 75:17:6 Francis Blake of Tilmouth Esqr. ----------- 10:10:0 £146:7:6 Sir Mr. Mayor recd. Your Lre [?]of the 15th Inst. and I am by him desired to inform you that he has by this post remitted the above Sum of £146: 7: 6 to Messrs. Bell -- Cookson & Co. in NewCastle to be applied in equal proportions towards the relief of the Sufferers by the late Floods -- within the Town & County of NewCastle and the Countys of Durham and Northumberland I am Sir Your most obedt. Servt. Edward Willoby Berwick 18th Janry 1772

this page transcribed by Sue Shaw

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne