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Letter from Revd. Thomas Noble (Belford) to Mr. Ralph Heron

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Sir, Belford, Janry 20th 1772 You will here inclos'd receive the Book of Subscription, or rather a Paper, agreeable to the Committee's Request, of wch I had advice by you yesterday's Post. £ "sh " d You will receive 51 " 5 " 0 upon Demand of Jno Hedley Esqr in Northum- berland Street, Newcastle, on Acct of the Inclos'd, which is payable to your, or any Gentleman of the Committee's, Order. I am sorry I should have given you so much Trouble in requesting an Estimate of the Loss sustained, which, was to you both loosing Time & Cash; for as you were not to charge in such a charitable Act, there would be Postage &c. However, to be ingenuous, I should not, with out the assistance of your former Letter, have succeeded so well by one third of this Sum. What Riding, as well as Writing I have had on this Affair, it may not be material to communicate; but this I am confident in, That it alone wou'd have enabled a Gentle of the Law to have drawn up a £10 Bill. I am wishing all imaginable Success to this laudable Scheme, Sir, Your Obedt Servt Tho Noble

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne