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Transcript of page 37

List of Subscriptions from Morpeth

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List of Subscribers to the Sufferers by the late Inundation in the Book at Morpeth Continued 1772 £ s d Jany 11th Mr Wm Woodman - - - - - - - - - - 10 " 6 Mr Aaron Turner - - - - - - - - - 2 " 6 13th Mr Richd Newton of Morpeth - - - - - 2 " 2 " 0 The Revd Mr Smallridge Rector of Bothall 2 " 2 " 0 15th Wm Cresswell Esqr of Cresswell - - - 2 " 2 " 0 17th Mr George Turton of Morpeth High house 1 " 1 " 0 John Milbank Esqr by Mr Wm Bullock 10 "10 " 0 18th Mr Joseph Clerk of Morpeth - - - - 2 " 2 " 0 Mr Henry Singleton of Do - - - - - 1 " 0 Mrs Margaret Hair of Do - - - - - - 0 " 6 20th Mrs Isabel Orde of Do - - - - - - - 2 " 0 The Revd Mr Middleton of Longhorseley 1 " 1 " 0 £21 "16 " 6 1772 Janry 3 Revd Mr Naylor -------- £ 2--2-- Wm Swinburn Esqr - - - 5 -5-- £ 7. 7. 0 21.16. 6 15 10 44.13 6

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne