Tyne Flood transcript

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Minutes of General Meeting of Gentlemen and Clergy of the County

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Northumberland --- Hexham 19th December 1771 -- The Gentlemen and Clergy of this County at a General Meeting held here this Day for receiving Informations of the Loss and Damage which many of the Inhabitants of the said County have sustained by the late dreadfull and distructive Inundation and for procuring speedy Relief to the unhappy Sufferers came to the following Resolutions First That Books for Subscriptions to this Charity be immediately opened in the several Towns hereunder mentioned Newcastle At the office of Mr. Thomas Davidson Under Sheriff for the County of Northumberland Hexham At the office of Mr. Ralph Heron Bailiff for the Manor of Hexham Shields Mr. Brough attorney at Law Morpeth The Head Bailiff of the Corporation Alnwick Mr. Lindsay Coroner for the County Belford The Revd Mr. Noble Rothbury Mr. Robert Storer Wooler The Revd Mr. Allan Stamfordham Doctor Scott Coroner for the County Bellingham The Revd Mr. Harrison Haltwezel The Revd Mr. Rotheram Berwick Mr. Mayor Second That the Subscribers be desired to pay their Money at the Time they subscribe as the Objects of this Charity are in Want of immediate Support

this page transcribed by Colin Langton

Transcript copyright © 2015 the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne