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Image 358 (unnumbered folio), two receipts

Take 2. quarts of Brandy, and Put it in a Large Bottle
and put it in a Large, and Put into it the Jouce* of Five
Lemons, the Peels of two, half a nutmeg, stop it up and let
it stand three days, and add to it three Pints of White Wine
a Pound and a half of Sugar Mix it, and Strain it twice thro’
a Flannel, and Bottle it up, ’tis a pretty Wine & Cordial.
For the Dropsy & Scurvy
Take a quart of White Wine, and Six Spriggs of Wormwood, and as
much Rosemary, half a Quarter of an Ounce of Als Aloes, the same
Quantity of Myrth, Rhubarb, Cinamon and Saffron, Bruise the
Druggs, and pull the Saffron, and put all into a three Pint Stone
Bottle & tye the Cork down Close, and set it in a Kettle of Water
and Hay, and let it Boil three Hours, then let it stand
a day or Two to Settle, so let the Patient take Four Spoonfulls
every Morning, fasting, and fast three Hours after it,
And – and Walk abroad. If ’tis too long to fast, & the
Constitution will not bear it, they may Drink a Draught
of Water – gruel two Hours after it, take this till the Quantity
is out.
1. Quart of White Wine

Note: Both these receipts come from The Compleat Housewife (see Glossary)

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Transcribed by JM and CTW