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Document 115, Lord Chancellor's Order, 7 May 1789

Lord Chancellor Thursday 7th day of May in the
29th Year of the Reign of his Majesty
King George the Third 1789 Between
Henry Errington Plt
Gaven Aynsley & Others Defts
Whereas Mr Soll’r Gen’l of Councel for the Plt this day
moved and offered divers reasons unto this Court that the Plt
might have to the last day of this Term to pay the Sum of
₤4000 which has been decreed to be paid by him to the
Defts and that he might be at liberty to pay the same
into the Bank in the name of the Accountant Gen’lon
the Credit of this Cause subject to the further Order of
this Court but this Motion is to be made without prejudice
to the Plts Right of applying in the meantime for a
Rehearing of this Cause if he shall be advised by his
Councel to make such Application Whereupon and
upon hearing of Mr Mansfield of Councel for the Defts it is
Ordered that the Time limitted for payment of the said
Four Thousand Pounds be enlarged to the first day of
next Term and the Plt is to be at liberty to prefer a
Petition to Rehear the cause in the mean time

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Transcribed by TB and CTW