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Document 108, p 3

and other the Inhabitants of the sd County of Northd or some of
them by reason of the sd Breach of the sd Covent of the sd Henry
had sustained damages to a large amot towit to the amot of
£20,000 which sd allegation the sd Henry then others [dismissed?]
denied and thereupon afterwds, towit, on the sd 1st day of May in
the yr of our Lord 1788 at Cockermouth, aforesaid in the sd County
of Cumberland, in Conson that the sd Gawen Aynsley John
Tweddell, B Wm Wastell, had then and there, pd to the sd Hy the sum
of £5 of lgal money of Gt Brt he the sd Hy undertook & to the sd
Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell & B Wm Wastell then and there
faithfully promised to pay to them the sum of £10 of like lgal
money when he the sd Hy shod be thereunto afterwds requested if
the sd Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell & Bacon Wm Wastell & other the
Inhabitants of the sd County of Northd or any of them had sustained any
Damages by reason of the sd Breach of the sd Covent of the sd Hy and the
sd Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell & B Wm Wastell in fact say that they
the sd G Aynsley J Tweddell& B Wm Wastell & other the Inhabitants
of the sd County of Northd or some of them have sustained Damages by
reason of the sd Breach of the sd Covent of the sd Hy to a large amot
towit to the amot of 20,000 where of the sd Hy afterwds towit on
the same day & yr last mentd at Cockermouth afsd in the County of
Cumberland afsd had notice Yet the sd Hy not regarding his sd
sevl promises & undertakings in manner afsd made but
contriving and fraudulently intending Craftil and Subtilly to
deceive and defraud the sd Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell and
B. Wm Wastell in this respect hath not pd to them or to any of
them the sd sum of £10 or any part thereof altho so to do
He the sd Hy afterwds towit on the same day & yr afsd at
Cockermouth afsd in the County of Cumberland afsd hath been
by the sd Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell and B Wm Wastell
requested But hath hitherto wholly refused and still doth
refuse to pay the same whereupon the sd Gawen Aynsley
John Tweddell and Bacon Wm Wastell say they are injured
and have Sustained Damages to the value of Two Tho
thereupon our
20,000 and therefore they bring their Suit [?]
Plea and the sd Henry by Wm Wilkinson his Atty comes and

Note: Issues for assizes, June-July 1788, p 3

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

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Transcribed by PF and CTW