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Document 108, Issues for the Assizes, June-July 1788, p1

Stormont & Way
Trinity Term 28 Geo 3d*
Cumberland towit Be it Rembered that on Friday next after
the morrow of the Holy Trinity in the same Term before our
Lord the King at Westminster come Gawen Aynsley John Tweddle
and Bacon Wm Wastell Esqrs by Richd Troward their Atty and
bring into the Court of our Lord the King now here their Certain
Bill agt Henry Errington Esq being in the Custody of the Marshal
of the Marshalsea of our Lord the now King before the King himself
of a plea of Trespass on the Case and there are pledges for the pro[ces?]
namely John Doe and Rd Roe which sd Bill follows in these
words towit Cumberland towit Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell
Declaration and Bacon Wm Wastell Esqrs complain of Henry Errington Esq being
in the Custody of the Marshall of the Marshalsea of our Lord the now present
King before the King himself for this towit That Whereas before
the making of the promises and undertakings hereinafter towit on the
2d day of June in the year of our Lord 1777 at Cockermouth in the sd
County of Cumberland by certain Artes of agreemt in writing indorsed
hearing date the 2d day of June 1777 and made between the sd
Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell & Bacon Wm Wastell Esqr of the one part
and the sd Henry of the other part (or part of the sd Artes being
sealed with the Seal of the sd Henry) the sd Henry covenanted
with the sd Gawen Aynsley John Tweddell & Bacon Wm Wastell amongst
other things,that he wd, at his own proper Costs and Charges on
or before the 25th day of March 1780 well sufficiently and
Effectually Build or cause to be Built, a good & substantial
Stone Bridge in manner therein mentd across the River Tyne
accordg to the Plan thereunto Annex’d, opposite to Hexham at
a place examd and approved of, by one John Smeaton Esqr, and
more parlarly described in the sd Artes and that he wd procure
and make Good Sufft and substantial Road from the North end
of the sd Bridge when Built to the Alemouth Road in the sd
Artes mentd and the same Breadth thereof And also that he the
sd Henry his Heirs Execs & asinors shod and at his & their own
proper costs & Charges from time to time & at all times as often
as need or Occasion shod be & require during the term of 7 years
uphold support Repair maintain Rebuild and keep in Good
& sufft repair the sd Bridge and Road for the sd 7 years to be
computed from the time that the sd Bridge & Road shod have
been certified for to [?] the Genl Quarter Sessions under the Hands

Note: Issues for the assizes, p 1

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Transcribed by PF and CTW