To make Daffy’s Elixir | ||||
Take of Elecompane*-Roots Sliced}of each} Put all these in a Glass Bottle | ||||
& Liquorish Slic’d }2 oz } of a Gallon, adding to it 3 quarts | ||||
Annaseeds } of White Annaseed water: Stop the | ||||
Coriander Seeds} of each } Bottle, and let it stand infusing four | ||||
Carraway Seeds } 2 oz } days, stirring it Strongly three or four | ||||
Oriental } } |
Senna } of each 2 oz } and put it into Bottles corked very well. | ||||
Guaiacum Bruised} } You must take it Morning and Evening | ||||
Rubarb. 1 oz } three Spoonfulls going to Bed, and | ||||
Saffron. One Dram } as much in the Morning, according as | ||||
Raisons of the Sun stoned One Pound } you find it work. I Requires not much | ||||
Care in Diet, not keeping within: But you must keep Warm and Drink | ||||
something after it hs Work’d- | ||||
This Elixir is excellent good for the Colick, the Gravel in the | ||||
Kidneys, the Dropsy, the Griping of the Gutts, or any Obstruction | ||||
in the Bowels-It purgeth Two or Three times a day. | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by CTW and JMCN