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Image 317 (unnumbered folio), two receipts

Cherry Brandy
Take Six Dozen Pounds of Cherries, half Red, and half Black
and Wash or Squeese them with your Hands to pieces, and put to
them Three Gallons of Brandy, and let them stand steeping
Twenty Four Hours, then put the Mash’d Cherries and Liquour
a little at a time into a Canvas Bagg and press it as long as any
Juice will Run, Sweeten it to your Taste, and put it into a Vessell
fitt for it, and let it stand a Month, and Bottle it out, put a
Lump of Loaf Sugar in every Bottle
To Make Cowslip Wine
To Six Gallons of Water put Fourteen pounds of Sugar, stir it well
together, and Beat the Whites of Twenty Eggs very Well, and Mix it
with the Liquor, and make it Boil as fast as possible, Scum it well
and let it continue boiling Two Hours then Strain thro’ a Hair
Sieve and Set it Cooling, and when ’tis as cold as Wort* should
be, put a Small Quantity of Yest* to it on a Toast, in a Dish
Lett it stand all Night working, then Bruise a Peck* of Cowslipps
and put them into your Vessell and your Liquor upon them and
Six Ounces of the Syrup of Lemons – Cut a Turf of Grass and
lay on the Bung, let it stand a Fortnight and then Bottle it
Put your Tap into your Vessell before you put your Wine in
that you may shake it

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Transcribed by JW and LF