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Image 297 (unnumbered folio) 3 receipts and one newspaper story

Whites paper July 21. 1764* The following is said to be an Infallable Cure for Receipt
for the Cure of Deafness
Put a Table Spoonfull of Bay Salt into near half a pint
of Cold Spring Water, and after it has Steep’d therein for 24. Hours,
(now and then shaking the Phial) cause a Small Tea Spoonfull
to be pour’d in the Ear most Effected every night when in Bed, for
Seven or Eight Nights Successively, laying your Head on the
Opposite Side, by which the Cure is often compleated
Universal Magazine for July. 1764
July 28. 1764 (White & Saint Newspaper)*
This Week Two Persons who had unfortunately been Bitt with
a Mad Dog, Set out for Colne in Lancashire in Order to take
the famous Medicine, Administred by a person there,
for preventing the dreadfull Effects attending such
Francis Dawson – Farmer } Also Elianor Turnbell
Mrs Landell Servant Groat Markett } Brancepeth
& Sir Walter Blacketts Gardener }
Garlick } Boil’d {Snakeroot* } Put in a glass of Rum
Onion } & Season’d {& Scochoneal } or Brandy in a
Sorrel } for a Cold {The Rind of Civil Orange } Morning

Abbreviations are underlined like this Wm. and the expansion may be seen by moving the cursor over it.

An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it.

Transcribed by JW and LF