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Image 296 (unnumbered folio), 4 receipts

The following Receipe, for Curing Weak and Sore Eyes
was found among the Papers of a Late Deceased Virtuoso
Heat half an Ounce of Lapis Calaminaris* red Hot
and quench it in half a Pint of French White Wine, and as much
White Rose Water & Then pound it very Fine and Infuse it –
Shake the Bottle whenever you Use it –
This Hath Cured Total Blindness November 12 1763
An Infallable Remedy for the Present Cold
"Take a Pint of Cyder which has been made of Wildings*, and put in half
a naggin* of Brandy, and another of Vinegar, and three Spoonfulls of
Lemmon Juce, the same quantity of Honey & Jelly of Black Currants, put them
+Scrabs Altogether in a Sauce pan on a Slow Fire, gently stirring them about
untill the Cyder is Boiled; then for three nights running, as you are
going to Bed take it as Hot as you can bear it – This is an Infallable
cure in three Nights for the present Cold.
Dublin Gazette. March .19th. 1764 & London Chronicle
Treakle ———-0.1 * } Mix’d together and Take a
Allicompain Root 0.1 } Tea Spoonfulls in the morning
Brimstone Powder 0.1 } Morning – 11, or 2. O Clock
Liquorus Powder 0.1 Honey*} and at Night
a Syrup Sirup of Mulberry { Sirup of Blackberrys }
in White Wine Whay* { for a Cold in Winter }
before you go to

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Transcribed by LF and JW