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Document 74 p7

To prove that Witness in his original Estimate given to }
Mr Errington computed the Expence of building the Bridge }
at 7,600£- wch will confirm Donkin’s Evidence that he }
valued the old Materials at 1900£- as follows- }
Old Materials 1900£ }
Money to be paid by} }
the County } 5700 }
7600 }
That the Bridge was built under the inspection and direction }
of Witness-and in every Respect where Circumstances would }
admit was built conformable to the plan and Articles, and where }
any Variation’s were made it was owing to Discoveries which } Mr Smeaton
in the prosecution of the Work made such Variations necessary }
-that the Bridge was built and finished in the most- }
compleat manner to conform to the Articles and plan-that }
the Failure was not owing to any Defect in the Building- }
– that a permanent Bridge cannot in Judgment of Witness }
be built according to Articles and plan- }
That Witness made an Estimate of the Cost of rebuilding the }
Bridge and will that the Sum requisite is £2925 17s 5d with }
the upstanding part and fallen Materials-that such Sum }
wou’d put the Bridge into the state it was in before it fell }
but that it wou’d be liable to be thrown down by a Flood }
similar to that in March 1782-call }
To prove that Witness was employed as Foreman in building }
the Bridge – that it was built in a good and workmanlike }
manner under the Directions of Mr Smeaton – that it was in a }
perfect State before the Flood – that its Failure was owing to }
the irresistable Impetuosity of the Flood – that he became succeeded }
County Surveyor Mr. Pickernel as County Surveyor of Bridges
soon immediately after Hexham Bridge was built, which
Office he still holds – that in 1783 he together with Johnson }
and Richley made an Estimate of the Cost of reinstating the } Robt Thompson
Bridge – that such Estimate he believes to be correct and was }
made according to the best of his Judgement – that he wou’d }
undertake to build reinstate it according to that Estimate, but }
wou’d not undertake to support it for any Sum – that he }
believes a permanent Bridge cannot be built according to }
the Articles and plan wou’d be liable to the same Accident as }
the former One – that he has viewed the Bridge materials lately }
and they are mainly in the same State and of the same Value as when he made the Estimate
That the old Materials received by the Dft was not worth }
more than 1000£ & saith }
Can To prove the exact place where Mr Mylne bored call
To prove that he has for many Years been employed in }
Bridge Building, and often so employed by the County of }
Northumberland in the County Bridges – that he was in Conjunction }
with Thompson and Richley made the Estimate in 1783. that }
such estimate was according to the best of his Judgmt – that } Wm. Johnson
he wou’d undertaken to reinstate according to that Estimate, but }
not to uphold – believes any Bridge built according to the Articles }
& plan wou’d be liable to the same Accident as the former One, he }
– that he has viewed the bridge & materials lately and they are nearly
in the same State and of the same Value as when he made the Estimate – call }

Note: Draft proofs of evidence, John Smeaton, Robert Thompson, William Johnson

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