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Document 74, p 5

give general Satisfaction
That on or abt 3d or 4th. Decr. 1783 Mr }
Smeaton came over and made an Estimate which he }
sent to the Dft -*[*] }
that Dft sent the Estimate with his Proposal to Mr. }
Heron to deliver to the Clerk of the peace and what }
was done in Consequence appears in the Heads of Mr. }
Herons Evidence }
That the standing part of the Bridge and the fallen }
Materials are at this Time of the same or nearly equal }
Value that they were when Mr Smeaton made his Estimate }
If necessary this Witness will prove the exact Spot }
where Mr Mylne bored and will produce a plan of it }
Witness will say }
he can also prove the Nature of the Materials delivered } }
was not worth more than } }
to the Dft not to exceed £1000 when applied to use } } Mr Donkin
according to the best of his Judgment and Opinion } }
original }
That previous to the Deft. making his Proposal to the }
County for building the Bridge – Witness examined the old Materials }
and estimated the Value thereof at 1900£. – but when they came }
to be used they were not worth to Dft more than 1000£. – many }
of the Stones which he had estimated at superficial Measure for }
be }
Outside work were not fit to used for such and were therefore }
only applied to fill up the Inside }
That in an Mr French The late Deputy Clerk of the peace }
who prepared the Articles and Bond filled up the penalty of }
the Bond at 9100£. therein computing the old Materials at }
300£. to which Witness on Behalf of Dft objected alledging }
they were of far less Value, but Mr French sayed the Bond was }
so prepared and it was not material. and therefore }
accepted }
That at the Time Witness delivered to the Justices the }
they made an }
original Proposal for Building the Bridge &c a Memorandum }
Order declaring their Acceptance thereof }
of Agreement was made and Mr. French the then Deputy Clerk }
order }
of the peace (who is since dead) inserted in such Memorandum }
should enter into a }
that the Dft such give Bond in the penalty of 9100£. computing }
old }
the Materials at 3000£. to which Witness objected saying the }
Materials were of far less Value – but Mr. French sayed it was only }
a mere nominal Sum and of no Consquence and thereupon }
Witness made no further Objection – call }

Note: Draft proof of evidence, Mr Donkin, continued

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