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Image 266, seventh book, folio 140b, three unnumbered receipts

To make popy watter for
a surfitt*
Take corne popis* a good quantitie steep
them in sack* all night with large mase**
clovs and nut megs the spice being first
brused, still* it the next day in a commone
A Cordiall watter
Take thre spunfulls of burreg* water, three
sponefulls of buglase watter, one sponefull
of sinnomon watter, one sponefull of
syrropp of redd Gilly flowers*[*] one spone-
full of Surropp of Cittrons and as much
alkernes* as a filbeard*, mingle these together
and take now and then a sponefull as you
see cause; this watter is of great vertue
to cumfort the hart and the spirits;
A watter for sore eys or to
wash any sore what ever
Take two ounces and a halfe of balearma=
nack* two penyworth of white coperise* halfe
a quarter of an ounce of Camphere*[*] melt
the campher by itself in an earther pot or
sherd and when it is almost melted put in
the white Copras* and stire them together
untill it be melted, then take them of the fire
and set them by untill they be could and
then they will be dry then take the bolarmany*
and beat them all together and so keep them being
in fine powder into a sheeps blader, and when
you use of it take three quarts take a pint of runing watter
and seeth* it and take it from the fier and put it
in a new earthen pot well nealled* then put in
a sponefull of the powders and put it in a
glase stop it close till you use it

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Transcribed by JM and CW