An excelent watter to wash the .fo.138 | ||||
scabs or tetters* before you us this | ||||
oyntment | ||||
Take a dozen orringes cut them in peeces and put | ||||
them in a gallon of watter and an ounce of mer |
cury sublimat* to it, put it in a great glase which | ||||
must not be full by a good deale and so sett your | ||||
glase in a kettle of watter and so lett it boyle well | ||||
the watter and orriges* must boyle a pretie whille | ||||
before you put in the mercury then put it in and | ||||
so let them boyle all together till you thinke it well | ||||
then take it of the fire and pore out the clearest | ||||
and keepe it for your use, you must wash the | ||||
scaby place a little with the watter and then wipe | ||||
it dry and then anoynet* the sore places with | ||||
the oyntment; | ||||
A very good poultise for any | ||||
swelling what so ever | ||||
Take a pinte of milke and set it on the fire | ||||
then take as much crums of white bread | ||||
as will make it thick inough for a poultis | ||||
when it is sod* inough take it of the fire | ||||
and put in an ounce of turpintine which | ||||
must be washed first with plantin* watter | ||||
and one spunfull of linceed oyle and stire | ||||
it well together and so lay it to the swel- | ||||
ling as hot as may be suffered | ||||
An aproved medson for | ||||
a sprain | ||||
Take the white of a egge and beat it well with | ||||
the strongest hot watter you can get and then | ||||
put in a little fine wheat flower and so aplye | ||||
it to the place sprained could and roll it with | ||||
a roller; | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by JM and CW