A very good oyntment for scabs itch | ||||
tetters* or leprosie or any breakinge | ||||
out learned of Mr William Whit- | ||||
well | ||||
Take of the purest cappons* grease you can get | ||||
that wch is taken of the gutts is the best and | ||||
frye it very well, half a pound of it and | ||||
put it in a pipkin* with a pint of faire wa- | ||||
ter and let it boyle together a little to clar- | ||||
ifie it, then take it of the fire and poure | ||||
it through a cleane cloth into a basson* | ||||
or earthen pane* and when it is could | ||||
take it clean of the watter, then put | ||||
it in a pipkin very well nealed* and boyle | ||||
it an houre with good store of Sinnomon* | ||||
broken into smale peeces then to halfe a | ||||
pound of that grease take a quarter of | ||||
a pound of the blackest pitch you can gett | ||||
and halfe a quarter of a pound of the | ||||
best beese waxe and put them together | ||||
in the pipkine and let it boyle a bout | ||||
halfe an houre or lese* still stiring it while | ||||
it is on the fire then take it of and straine | ||||
it through a cleane cloth and keep it for | ||||
a pretiouse oyntment, you must anoynt | ||||
the scabs with it once a day at lease | ||||
An excellent watter to wash the | ||||
scabs or tetter before you use this | ||||
oyntment aboue* writen | ||||
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An entry outlined like this has a note which may be seen by hovering over it. |
Transcribed by CTW and JMCN